Winter of Wellbeing- Which book makes you feel better?

Read on, take part!


Wales is on a mission to help children and young people feel better after a tough year and as we move into 2022.


In January Welsh Public Libraries will be joining The Reading Agency to deliver a crucial part of Welsh Government’s Winter of Wellbeing campaign. It’s going to be a very special celebration of reading and all it can do to lift the spirits of young people aged 0-25 and connect families, friends and communities across Wales.


We’ll be working in this area to develop a programme of exciting events (more news to follow!) and we want to hear from children, families, teenagers and young people (anyone under 25) about the books they’ve enjoyed, and which have made them feel better.


If you’re in that age group (or the parent or carer of a young child), we want to know the books you’d like to share and shout about as the campaign unfolds. We’d like you to help us to put together a Winter of Wellbeing Reading List.


Which book makes you feel better?


We're inviting you to share a book (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, graphic novels, short stories – the choice is yours) in English or Welsh which has helped you in one or all of the ways below:


·       Feel better, simply by lifting your spirits or giving you a sense of calm, by bringing you joy, making you feel good or making you laugh as you turn the page.

·       Feel connected, with others in your family and community, college or classroom, workplace or leisure time.

·       Feel understood because it recognised what you were feeling or going through, or better able to understand others around you for the same reason


You might have your own reason for the recommendation, and we’d love to hear it!


All you (or your teacher, youth leader, parent or carer) have to do is join us here COMPLETE THE SURVEY and tell us the read/s you'd like to share. It takes just a few moments and comes with thanks for taking part and a promise that in the sharing you’ll be helping us promote the wellbeing of young people across Wales.


“Cook, Eat, Repeat” ~ Nigella Lawson


Goodbye 2021